Acceptable Use Policy
Hotline IT provides high quality networking services to the business community. An Acceptable Use Policy enables subscribers to gain maximum benefit from the services through responsible and ethical usage. Usage of the Hotline IT network constitutes an agreement to abide by this policy. Actions contrary to the policy are strictly prohibited.
This statement provides guidelines for the acceptable use of Hotline IT’s systems data and Internet
communications. In instances where data communications leave Hotline IT systems and are carried by other networks or the internet, Hotline IT subscribers and connecting networks are advised that the acceptable use policies of other networks are applicable, and must be respected. Hotline IT subscribers must take responsibility for their actions on the Hotline IT system and the systems accessed through it.
Subscribers to Hotline IT services must:
make themselves aware of and respect the legislative provisions, conventions, guidelines and culture of the Internet and, where in doubt, to enquire with Hotline IT.
Conform with Hotline IT Acceptable Use Guidelines detailed below
Take responsibility for their actions when using Hotline IT facilities and resources.
Take responsibility for distribution, publication and enforcement of the Hotline IT Acceptable Use Policy at their sites. In addition, each Hotline IT subscriber shall provide this policy to appropriate administrative authorities at all sites connected to theirs via connections not directly supported by Hotline IT.
Following is a list of actions which are defined as being contrary to acceptable usage. This list is non-exclusive. Any action about which there is any doubt should be referred to Hotline IT for evaluation. Actions which constitute unacceptable usage include, but are not limited to:
Security Violation Any unauthorised use of accounts, computers or the Network by a Hotline IT subscriber in order to make or attempt unauthorised entry to other accounts, computers, communications devices or other resources, whether or not the attacked resource belongs to Hotline IT, will result in action against the attacker. This includes:
unauthorised security probing activities or other attempts to evaluate the security integrity of a network or host system without permission
attempting, in any way, to interfere with or deny service to any subscriber or any host on the Internet
attempting to cancel, supersede, or otherwise interfere with email or posts other than that of the subscriber
intentionally seeking information on, obtaining copies of or modifying files, other data or passwords belonging to other subscribers without permission
propagation of computer worms or viruses
Resource Usage No system has limitless resources so subscribers must act responsibly and fairly to other subscribers when using shared Hotline IT resources. With a dialup service subscribers must be aware that they are sharing dialup lines with other users and that they may not stay continually connected when not actively using the service. Hotline IT reserves the right to charge at any time for usage time over the allowed usage.
Operating a mail server allowing Open Relay Clients operating their own mail server permanently connected through Hotline IT must specifically disallow open relay. ‘Open relay’ allows a third party (in particular a spammer) to send email through the server. Allowing this puts the owner of the mail server at risk of having their own email blocked by other sites, incurring significant ‘download’ costs, degraded network performance, and the cost and aggravation of dealing with complaints and abuse from other victims of spammers.
Transmission of illegal Material It is not acceptable to use Hotline IT or any of its facilities for any purposes which violate applicable State, Territory, Commonwealth or International laws or regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, copyright material, material legally judged to be threatening or obscene, and material protected by trade secret, whether or not the subscriber was aware of the content of the material or of the relevant law.
Nuke Attempting to send a data packet to another computer with the intention of crashing it is unacceptable
Forging email posting header information This practice is highly unethical. How to identify forged email headers.
Unsolicited Mail Messages Sending a message, especially an advertisement, to more than five or six recipients is unacceptable unless the individuals have specifically requested to be added to a mailing list on that topic. E-mail is a person-to-person medium, not a broadcast medium.
Chain Letters Posting a chain letter to Newsgroups or via e-mail is prohibited under Australian law.
Harassment Harassment via email, IRC and other Internet services is a serious breach of conduct and a misuse of Internet resources. Harassment includes: use of foul and/or abusive language; sending excessively large and/or frequent messages.
Censorship In accordance with Australian Legislation, refer Internet Industry Association code, Hotline IT reserves the right to remove, without notice, any content identified by the Censor as being objectionable charging for the WebMaster service at standard Hosted Website Technical Support rates.
Violation of policy
Hotline IT will review any alleged violations of the Acceptable Use Policy on a case-by-case basis. Violations of the policy may result in the immediate suspension and/or termination of any or all Hotline IT services without notice and the forfeiture of all monies paid to Hotline IT to date. Action will also be taken to recover any costs and/or damages incurred by Hotline IT as a result of actions contrary to the terms of this policy. Evidence of illegal or prohibited activities may be disclosed to law enforcement authorities.
Steps taken against violator:
Service suspended
AUP sent to the subscriber for confirmation and return
Service remains suspended until confirmation obtained
Service closed should confirmation not be received
Charges invoiced for costs involved
Non payment referred for recovery
Costs involved:
Receipt of notice of suspected violation, $40.00
Studying proof provided: reviewing network logs and relating to reports, $80.00
When violation is proven: service suspended, $160.00
Subscriber sent notification of Violation, requested to change password, $40.00
Receipt of acceptance of AUP, resumption or closure of service, $40.00
To report a violation of Hotline IT’s Acceptable Use Policy (this document), please send details, including a complete copy of the article or e-mail message, to
Hotline IT reserves the right to modify this policy at any time. Subscribers will receive (email) notification of such modifications 30 days prior to their effective date.

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